lorpu kermee


lorpu kermee

Hey Guys,

Welcome back I know it’s been forever, and when I say forever I literally mean forever and a day. But I’m back again so I thought it would be cool to do a piece answering random questions about myself for you to get to know me better. I hope you enjoy it



What is your full name?

Lorpu Gblaramah Kermee

Are you named after anyone?

I’m named after my paternal grandmother, she passed away a few years before I was born.

What is the last book you read?

Whiskey Words and a Shovel by R.H. Sins it was a gift from my boss and I love it. I just started getting into enjoying works of poetry and short stories so this book is amazing . The tone is a little dark sometimes but  the message behind the word are sincere.

Who has left the most impact on your life?

Definitely my mother she’s a very grounded and well-rounded person. She's very patience and smart, and creative which is where I get all of my creative energy from. She’s all the things that I completely am not, yet hope to be when I get older.

Who is the best teacher you ever had?

Hands down Ms. Ormsbee  was my best teacher  EVER. I had her from 3rd grade through 5th grade , and I completely loved her. She made me love books, reading, and writing, and taught me at an early age how to use my voice with words.

Who is your favorite musician?

Bishop and OBoyEmma they are my favorite, and they have new music out on their Sound cloud now. Check out my My Place its my new favorite. Also here's a clip of Bishop's new video dropping soon.


Who is your role model?

My mother and  four older sisters. #GIRLSQUAD

The first app you check when you wake up in the morning?

Instagram for sure!!!

What are some of your bad habits?

I’m a nail bitter, and a leg shaker.

What countries would you like to visit?

Brazil, Liberia, Greece, Mexico, Italy, France, Amsterdam

What’s your favorite saying?

Be great!

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